Friday, November 19, 2010

CHEWABLES- the short film

New short film coming out. Check the link at the right of this page and 'Like' the page to get updates:

Thanks for stoppin by!!


An older write I did over a year ago. It was written about a person I saw while on my way home from school. He wreaked of cologne, so I had to pick on him. In writing! He deserved it because he burnt the inside of my nose.

This man had black high-top shoes, cheap quality strides struttin down St. Catherine Street. He had a slim frame of Hispanic descent in his late 20’s with some snug fittin Wrangler brandish jeans complete with a small leather coat. Too small for this kind of weather! He was sportin bushy dark hair, an mp3 player hooked to belt and a lot of perfume that could be smelled from fifty feet of distance. He walked swiftly past the blocks even stepping through green lights to get to Bleury Street where he took a right.

Just before Rene Levesque he jetted into a foyer and took the elevator to the Penthouse. The elevator to the Penthouse opened and he stepped out into a kickin party. He smiled, unzipped his jacket and greeted his peeps. The music was thumpin and he couldn’t help but busta move. No one interfered he was unstoppable! He flexed his jams and counter-acted with a side-winding-goober-step that sent the girls afloat in awe. Immediately following was some frantic hip wigglin action, in which finalized into the circus splits. He then produced out of his inside coat pockets two plastic cap guns and fired into the heavens. The music stopped. He looked around in puzzled silence. Most of the party people now lay on the floor.

The girls in awe were actually in agony because of his perfume, as were most of the others in the room. To his left, while still in the circus split, a man grasped his throat and pleaded to our king of bizarre boogey to open a window.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


The 'short' story of Robert DeBeero. A bizarre hunting trip in which a brainless, greasy, chaw-chewin redneck finds a surprise in the woods. 6 minutes. SD. USA/Canada. Watch here: